Five-course tasting menu, baby. High points: salt-roasted golden beets with smoked eggplant mousse; grilled tofu with truffled creamy leeks and spinach and wild mushroom crepe; the chocolate-stuffed beignet. Low points: the cauliflower soup was on the cold side (perhaps it had stepped outside into the ASS COLDNESS of Philadelphia!); the grilled seitan was SO EXACTLY LIKE a tender grilled steak in both taste and texture that I...was unnerved, and asked for confirmation that it wasn't made from animals. I'm glad I ate it, and it was a mindblowing food experience, but I wouldn't order it again. I'm not one of those vegetarians who misses meat. Still, I would definitely go back to that joint, and steer toward the vegetables and the tofu. I'm stuffed to popping.
And oh, yeah, MLA is on in the background.
St. Ambrose and Arlinghurst
2 weeks ago
Salt-roasted golden beets with smoked eggplant mousse and grilled tofu with truffled leeks does indeed sound heavenly!
I used to be unnerved by the fake-meat phenomenon, too, but I've come to enjoy some of those preparations. They usually are not as yummy as fresh vegetable preparations, but I guess I enjoy experiencing that different texture once in a while.
Yeah, well, as those preparations go, this was--I admit it--perfection. So much so that it had GRISTLE, which I could not eat even knowing that it was made of plants.
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