* Rome: not terrible after all. (Though, honestly. That bus/metro/train system: ridiculous.) Things looked way up after Thing 1 and I were taken in by the elderly Italian aunt of a friend of a friend. Still my least favorite part of our Italian itinerary, but all in all, an excellent adventure.
* Thing 1 has retained every detail about art, history, architecture, literature, or religion that he learned along the way.
* Machine laundered underwear! And no international roaming on my cell phone!
* And my parents came by my house during my long absence and mopped my floors and mowed my lawn.
* And I heard from my translation's publisher, which is based in London, saying they will release the American edition next year, with its recognizable signature jacket design. That will be surreal.
* The wind tonight! My golly! And snow for the next two nights!
* My sister and her husband and baby boy have moved back into my state, as of yesterday. Into one of the very cool and rock-filled parts, what's more. She will be a park ranger. He will run a theatrical organization. I will have a cool place to weekend. With a hot tub.
* Last class's grades in the can as of tonight: this academic year officially history.
* Accordingly,from tomorrow morning until beyond the horizon: VIVA LEAVE! Which is to say: all book-writing, all the time.
* Except, of course, for the new little beets, and peas, and artichokes.
Tourist Day 1 Recap
5 weeks ago