Done, done, done: the abstract for my book proposal, its annotated table of contents, and all but a paragraph of the several pages in which I justify my enterprise, speculate about how long it will take me to unveil it in its perfection, and reveal the shocking shortcomings of competiting titles. (Alas for those competing titles! Why can they not be as brilliant as hers? one might be moved to say, upon finishing my proposal...)
As a reward, I think everyone in the world should eat some ice cream. I recommend: Caramelized Pear and Toasted Pecan (!) and Pomegranate with Dark Chocolate Chips (!!!).
St. Ambrose and Arlinghurst
3 weeks ago
who would think that commercial ice cream might be this spectacular? have you in fact eaten this ice cream? and where does one acquire it?
i have eaten the caramelized pear one, which i purchased from a major local supermarket chain with free drive-and-load. and though i'd want it to be a little more peary, the bites with actual pear chunks were pretty amazing. i'm waiting for the pomegranate ($4.59) to go on sale before i indulge. even if it had gold flecks in it, i'd have a hard time paying so much for commercial ice cream.
but it's pomegranate. pomegranate ice cream. it has to be like heaven in a cardboard container.
woah. did someone say "elite ice cream"? That's what I thought...
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