Monday, September 6, 2010

Ode to the Tail-end of Summer


Lisa B. said...



moria said...

Those cuddled-up Things damn near make my heart explode.

Also, we have now been blogfriends long enough for me to be really struck at how they're growing, bless them. Wishing you many more of these lovely moments to come.

Flavia said...

Lovely. Just lovely. I hope it was even more blissful than it looks.

the rebel lettriste said...

Bitchin'. Totally.

Kristen said...


Renaissance Girl said...

Yeah, that one of them snuggling on the boat just slays me. I tear up, actually, just looking at it. And I was there for the original!

Leslie said...

Yeah, the boat one--they'll love that one all their lives. Looks like a great time

Ink said...

Oh, wow, how fabulous!!!

(And...So Much Cuteness.)