Hello, lurking students and fellow faculty members. It has come to my attention that some of you have found your way to this blog. Some safety information before our flight continues:
You may experience a rapid change in pressure when you enter this space--that is, it may or may not express a different persona than I seem to exhibit in class or in the hallowed halls of our institution. In truth, not likely very different--you probably just don't know me very well. I'd really rather not worry about censoring myself, since I do that all the live-long day, so if you feel like you might be made uncomfortable by stuff I say, the exit row is found at the upper right of your keyboard. It's called "backspace."
St. Ambrose and Arlinghurst
5 days ago
Listen, I don't even know who in the world you are, but this blog is a-okay, certifiably smash-tastic and fully tasty entertainment with extra whipped Renaissance-a-licious on the top. I will not be ejecting from the plane, so don't abort the mission.
Also, may I just say about your recent listening: Love love love the Kate Bush--but in fact most of the time I try not to listen to the lyrics and just let the sound wash over me. Have had a bit of a hard time "getting" D-board Confesh, and have decided to give up the trying. But Odelay will never, never get old. And Beck is a boy genius, no matter how many years old he's supposed to be.
I'll sit in the exit row and escort lame people out. Also, I need the extra leg room here (new readers of my blog have extended the welcome wagon of self-censorship). Could I get some more of that in-flight extra-whipped renaissance-a-liciousness?
yours truly.
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