Thursday, December 1, 2011

That blows.

By which I mean, the wind. Which hit 100 mph in these parts last night around 3am. What was that crashing noise that shocked me from my slumbers? As it turns out, the fence demarcating my backyard, or rather, the fence formerly demarcating my backyard and currently demarcating hither and yon, the general breadth and depth of the gale. If our inland hurricane stops tomorrow, I guess I'm going to have to go build myself a fence in the next few weeks...


Leslie said...


At least it was only the fence, not Dorothy, the roof, the barn...

Dr. Koshary said...

But rebuilding fences is poetry fodder, is it not? Make the most of it!

Ink said...

Glad that it didn't hit anyone/thing but fun rebuilding it.

Unless, as Dr. K. says, you make a poem out of it...