Five swoony things about Neruda:
1) He makes me call him when I go running, and then when I return home. And it's worth remembering that I run very late. And he lives two time zones to my east.
2) He calls while I'm in class and reads poems onto my voicemail. Not his own (though he is Mr. Hotstuff Young American Poet Dude). Donne's "Canonization." James Schuyler's, "Letter Poem #3." His namesake's "Your Laughter."
3) He once proved, in an argument with me, that Prufrock is a seduction poem. Which he did by lingeringly murmuring the entirety of it into my ear, in a crowded restaurant, on one knee.
4) When he proposed, he promised to make my boys' happiness his first priority.
5) He claims to love me not despite my many foibles but because of them.
St. Ambrose and Arlinghurst
5 days ago
You've got it bad! Yay for you!
happy happy happy for you.
I love no. 5 the best. That's a clincher for me.
You're a giant goofus and I can't wait for wedding pictures to be posted (even if they have to be headless -- especially if they have to be headless).
Also, "Tu risa" is my all-time fave Neruda poem (because, holy crap), AND the flirting mechanism that won over my current partner was Donne, Donne, and more Donne, usually about death. Reasons you and I are pals.
[You've twigged to the fact that, new name notwithstanding, I'm still me, right?]
Very charming, all. Congrats, congrats, congrats!
Moria, I *AM* a giant goofus. But it feels very nice. I was rereading my bleak year-in-review post from the turn of last year. Things are looking up.
And to all: blargh. How insufferable to post about me and my emotional landscape for so many days.
*sigh* That is absolutely precious. You deserve it. ♥
I heart it.
If Neruda wasn't such a perfect nym, I'd vote for "Mr. Hotstuff Young American Poet Dude."
And I'm very glad someone made you promise for the swoony. Especially the Prufrock swoon.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
Congratulations to both of you.
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